How to Create VNet Peering in Azure (Azure Architecture Episode 5) New Look for the Azure Architecture Episodes ! & sorry because I looked like I was freakin sleepy creature as it was 2 AM ! :S 😀 I hope you find it useful .
Azure Vnet peering Link on Microsoft :
My Link : hashtagtechnology
hashtagmicrosoft hashtagarchitecture hashtagazure hashtaginfrastructure hashtagcloudcomputing hashtagfeatures hashtagvirtualmachines hashtagvirtualnetworks hashtagazure_backup hashtagkarimfahmy hashtagVnet_Peering
Very informative session. Will look forward to more of these videos. I am also very much interested in learning more about the technologies being used to record this presentation which in itself is very impressive too.
Many thanks Karim.
Thanks alot Ramesh for those kind words ! , & Sure I will share it with you soon 🙂 .